106 Bible Quotes About Daughters: Celebrating God’s Design for Girlhood

Flat lay of an open Bible next to a notebook and pen, ideal for faith and study themes.

A 2024 Barna Group report reveals 72% of Christian parents seek biblical guidance for raising daughters. At Daily Quotes Top, we’ve compiled 106 Scripture-based insights celebrating God’s design for girlhood. Explore our Parenting Quotes Hub for more resources.

Biblical Blueprint for Daughterhood

  1. “Eve’s legacy: First daughter became mother of all living. — Genesis 3:20”
  2. “Miriam’s watch: A sister’s protection shaped a deliverer. — Exodus 2:4”
  3. “Esther’s courage: Orphaned girl turned queen saved a nation. — Esther 4:14”

Oxford Biblical Studies notes women are named 188 times in Scripture, many as pivotal figures. Below are 106 daughter-focused truths across 6 biblical themes:

Old Testament Daughters (25 Quotes)

  1. “Sarah’s laughter: 90-year-old ‘mother of nations’ defied biology. — Genesis 17:16”
  2. “Rebekah’s initiative: Water-drawing diligence won Isaac’s heart. — Genesis 24:18”
  3. “Rachel’s longing: ‘Give me children or I die!’ — Genesis 30:1”
  4. “Leah’s eyes: Unloved wife became matriarch of priests. — Genesis 29:31”
  5. “Dinah’s story: Silence speaks volumes about justice. — Genesis 34:1”
  6. “Zelophehad’s daughters: Changed inheritance laws through boldness. — Numbers 27:7”
  7. “Jephthah’s daughter: Sacrificial obedience mourned annually. — Judges 11:40”
  8. “Ruth’s loyalty: Moabite daughter-in-law entered Messiah’s line. — Ruth 1:16”
  9. “Hannah’s vow: Lent Samuel to God after infertility. — 1 Samuel 1:28”
  10. “Abigail’s wisdom: Averted disaster through quick thinking. — 1 Samuel 25:33”
  11. “Bathsheba’s grief: Lost son Solomon became wise king. — 2 Samuel 12:24”
  12. “Tamar’s courage: Demanded justice through risky action. — Genesis 38:26”
  13. “Rahab’s faith: Prostitute ancestor of Jesus. — Joshua 2:9”
  14. “Deborah’s leadership: Judged Israel during crisis. — Judges 4:4”
  15. “Jael’s daring: Tent peg ended tyranny. — Judges 4:21”
  16. “Naomi’s mentorship: ‘Call me Mara’ → ‘Grandmother to Obed.’ — Ruth 4:17”
  17. “Hagar’s survival: God heard her son’s cries. — Genesis 21:17”
  18. “Levitical daughters: Inherited cities of refuge. — Joshua 21:3”
  19. “Queen of Sheba: Tested Solomon’s wisdom. — 1 Kings 10:1”
  20. “Shunammite woman: Hospitality birthed prophetic legacy. — 2 Kings 4:16”
  21. “Esther’s identity: Hidden heritage → Strategic revelation. — Esther 2:10”
  22. “Job’s daughters: Inherited equally in patriarchal culture. — Job 42:15”
  23. “Lot’s daughters: Flawed attempt at lineage preservation. — Genesis 19:36”
  24. “Pharaoh’s daughter: Defied genocide to adopt Moses. — Exodus 2:5”
  25. “Tirzah & sisters: Land rights pioneers. — Numbers 27:4”

Jesus’ Revolutionary View (20 Quotes)

  1. “Jairus’ daughter: ‘Talitha koum!’ resurrected a 12-year-old. — Mark 5:41”
  2. “Syrophoenician girl: Demonized daughter healed from afar. — Mark 7:29”
  3. “Widow’s daughter: ‘God has visited His people!’ — Luke 7:15”
  4. “Mary’s fiat: Teenager birthed salvation. — Luke 1:38”
  5. “Martha’s confession: ‘You’re the Messiah’ through grief. — John 11:27”
  6. “Mary Magdalene: First resurrection witness. — John 20:18”
  7. “Samaritan woman: Evangelized her town. — John 4:39”
  8. “Bleeding woman: 12-year affliction healed. — Mark 5:34”
  9. “Anna’s prophecy: 84-year-old recognized Messiah. — Luke 2:38”
  10. “Herodias’ daughter: Danced into infamy. — Mark 6:22”
  11. “Parable of ten virgins: Wisdom in preparation. — Matthew 25:4”
  12. “Widow’s mite: Smallest offering → Eternal impact. — Mark 12:43”
  13. “Mary & Martha: Service vs. Sitting balance. — Luke 10:42”
  14. “Peter’s mother: Healed to serve. — Matthew 8:15”
  15. “Daughters of Jerusalem: Warned to weep for themselves. — Luke 23:28”
  16. “Lazarus’ sisters: Grief → Resurrection joy. — John 11:32”
  17. “Canaanite mother: Great faith rewarded. — Matthew 15:28”
  18. “Poor widow: Gave all she had. — Luke 21:4”
  19. “Jesus’ sisters: Anonymous but integral. — Mark 6:3”
  20. “Bride of Christ: Church as God’s daughter. — Revelation 21:2”

Pauline Empowerment (15 Quotes)

  1. “Lydia’s household: First European converts. — Acts 16:15”
  2. “Phoebe the deacon: Delivered Romans epistle. — Romans 16:1”
  3. “Priscilla’s teaching: Instructed Apollos. — Acts 18:26”
  4. “Junia the apostle: Notable among apostles. — Romans 16:7”
  5. “Euodia & Syntyche: Urged toward unity. — Philippians 4:2”
  6. “Timothy’s faith: Nurtured by grandmother Lois. — 2 Timothy 1:5”
  7. “Nympha’s church: Hosted congregation at home. — Colossians 4:15”
  8. “Chloe’s people: Reported Corinthian divisions. — 1 Corinthians 1:11”
  9. “Apphia the sister: Co-addressed in Philemon. — Philemon 1:2”
  10. “Philip’s daughters: Four prophetesses. — Acts 21:9”
  11. “1 Corinthians 11:5 Women praying/prophesying. — Paul’s guidelines”
  12. “Galatians 3:28 No male/female in Christ. — Equality declaration”
  13. “1 Timothy 5:2 Treat younger women as sisters. — Church conduct”
  14. “Titus 2:4 Older women teach younger. — Generational wisdom”
  15. “Romans 16:6 Mary ‘worked hard.’ — Apostolic acknowledgment”

Psalms & Wisdom (20 Quotes)

  1. “Proverbs 31:25 Clothed with strength/dignity. — Daughter’s anthem”
  2. “Psalm 144:12 Daughters like corner pillars. — Architectural metaphor”
  3. “Proverbs 6:20 Keep father’s commands. — Filial wisdom”
  4. “Song 6:9 Daughters called blessed. — Bridal praise”
  5. “Psalm 45:13 Royal daughter’s glorious entry. — Processional imagery”
  6. “Proverbs 23:25 Let parents rejoice. — Child’s impact”
  7. “Ecclesiastes 12:1 Remember Creator in youth. — Daughter’s foundation”
  8. “Psalm 127:3 Children = Heritage. — Parental perspective”
  9. “Proverbs 1:8 Hear father’s instruction. — Learning posture”
  10. “Psalm 78:6 Tell next generation. — Legacy responsibility”
  11. “Proverbs 13:1 Wise daughter heeds correction. — Growth mindset”
  12. “Psalm 139:14 Fearfully/wonderfully made. — Body positivity”
  13. “Proverbs 14:1 Wise woman builds home. — Domestic leadership”
  14. “Psalm 68:6 God sets lonely in families. — Adoption promise”
  15. “Proverbs 30:15-16 Daughter’s insatiable needs. — Parenting humor”
  16. “Psalm 113:9 Barren woman → Joyful mother. — Fertility hope”
  17. “Proverbs 19:26 Who robs father/chases mother. — Rebellious warning”
  18. “Psalm 128:3 Fruitful vine. — Familial blessing”
  19. “Proverbs 29:15 Rod of correction. — Discipline principle”
  20. “Psalm 103:13 Father’s compassion. — Divine parenting model”

Prophetic Daughters (15 Quotes)

  1. “Joel 2:28 Daughters prophesy. — Pentecost promise”
  2. “Isaiah 54:1 Barren one sings. — Redemptive reversal”
  3. “Jeremiah 31:22 New thing: Woman encircles man. — Eschatological shift”
  4. “Micah 6:4 Miriam’s leadership acknowledged. — Exodus memory”
  5. “Zechariah 9:9 Daughter Zion shouts. — Messianic celebration”
  6. “Isaiah 62:11 Daughter Zion’s vindication. — Restoration prophecy”
  7. “Ezekiel 16:60 God remembers covenant with Jerusalem. — Adoptive imagery”
  8. “Malachi 2:15 Godly offspring sought. — Marital purpose”
  9. “Isaiah 49:22 Daughters carried on hips. — Restoration vision”
  10. “Amos 4:1 Cows of Bashan rebuked. — Warning to oppressors”
  11. “Zephaniah 3:14 Daughter Zion sings. — Post-judgment joy”
  12. “Isaiah 1:8 Daughter Zion left like hut. — Consequence of sin”
  13. “Jeremiah 9:20 Teach daughters lament. — Grief education”
  14. “Ezekiel 23:2 Two adulterous sisters. — National allegory”
  15. “Hosea 2:1-2 Call sisters ‘My people.’ — Covenant renewal”

Modern Applications (11 Quotes)

  1. “Education: ‘Get wisdom’ (Proverbs 4:7) — Academic priority”
  2. “Self-esteem: ‘Crowned with glory’ (Psalm 8:5) — Identity in Christ”
  3. “Social media: ‘Let speech be gracious’ (Colossians 4:6) — Digital conduct”
  4. “Career: ‘Whatever you do’ (Colossians 3:23) — Work ethic”
  5. “Friendships: ‘Iron sharpens iron’ (Proverbs 27:17) — Peer influence”
  6. “Dating: ‘Do not yoke unequally’ (2 Corinthians 6:14) — Relational wisdom”
  7. “Motherhood: ‘She watches over household’ (Proverbs 31:27) — Future preparation”
  8. “Legacy: ‘Teach them diligently’ (Deuteronomy 6:7) — Generational impact”

FAQ: Raising Daughters Biblically

Q: Best verse for daughter’s protection?
A: Psalm 91:11 – “He commands His angels concerning you.”

Q: How to pray for daughters daily?
A: Numbers 6:24-26 – Use the priestly blessing template.

Q: Scripture for rebellious phase?
A: Proverbs 22:6 – “Train up a child in the way they should go.”