105 Bible Quotes About Miracles: Witnessing Divine Power in Scripture

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A 2024 Barna Group survey shows 65% of Christians believe miracles still occur today. At Daily Quotes Top, we’ve compiled 105 transformative Bible miracles to reignite your wonder. Deepen your study with our Faith Building Collection.

The Language of Divine Intervention

  1. “Miracles are God’s exclamation marks in humanity’s story. — Inspired by John 20:30-31”
  2. “Red Sea roads remind us: Impossible situations birth eternal testimonies. — Exodus 14:21-22 Reimagined”
  3. “Five loaves teach: Small offerings multiply in divine hands. — John 6:9-13”

Bible Gateway analysis reveals 37 distinct miracles performed by Jesus in the Gospels. Below, explore 105 miraculous moments across Scripture:

Old Testament Wonders (25 Quotes)

  1. “Creation’s symphony: Stars birthed by divine command. — Genesis 1:16”
  2. “Eden’s promise: A Savior would crush the serpent’s head. — Genesis 3:15”
  3. “Noah’s zoo: Survival engineered through obedience. — Genesis 7:15-16”
  4. “Tower confusion: Languages scattered, plans foiled. — Genesis 11:7-9”
  5. “Abraham’s stars: Century-old couple births nations. — Genesis 21:1-3”
  6. “Jacob’s ladder: Heaven’s traffic visible to sleeping eyes. — Genesis 28:12”
  7. “Burning bush: Holy ground revealed through unconsumed flames. — Exodus 3:2”
  8. “Plagues of Egypt: Nature itself rebelled against oppression. — Exodus 7-12”
  9. “Red Sea pathway: Liquid walls defied physics. — Exodus 14:21-22”
  10. “Manna mornings: Divine catering in wilderness scarcity. — Exodus 16:14-15”
  11. “Jordan stoppage: River stood still for covenant crossing. — Joshua 3:15-17”
  12. “Jericho collapse: Marching orders crumble impenetrable walls. — Joshua 6:20”
  13. “Gideon’s fleece: Dew patterns confirmed divine strategy. — Judges 6:36-40”
  14. “Samson’s strength: Divine power flowed through flawed vessels. — Judges 16:28-30”
  15. “Elijah’s fire: Wet altar consumed by heavenly blaze. — 1 Kings 18:38”
  16. “Widow’s oil: Empty jars overflowed with provision. — 2 Kings 4:1-7”
  17. “Sun reversal: Time bent to fulfill a promise. — 2 Kings 20:8-11”
  18. “Daniel’s lions: Hunger suspended for faithful service. — Daniel 6:22”
  19. “Jonah’s taxi: Marine rescue reshaped nations. — Jonah 1:17”
  20. “Fiery furnace: Fourth Man walked with the faithful. — Daniel 3:25”
  21. “Balaam’s donkey: Divine speech through stubborn beast. — Numbers 22:28”
  22. “Naaman’s dip: Simple obedience healed complex disease. — 2 Kings 5:14”
  23. “Elisha’s axe head: Iron floated to restore productivity. — 2 Kings 6:6”
  24. “Ruth’s redemption: Foreigner became Messiah’s ancestor. — Ruth 4:13-17”
  25. “Esther’s timing: Royal insomnia saved a nation. — Esther 6:1-3”

Jesus’ Miraculous Ministry (30 Quotes)

  1. “Water to wine: Celebration sanctified through divine provision. — John 2:7-10”
  2. “Healing touch: Leper’s isolation ended with compassion. — Mark 1:40-42”
  3. “Paralytic’s mat: Forgiveness preceded physical healing. — Mark 2:5-12”
  4. “Storm whisperer: Waves knelt at three words. — Mark 4:39”
  5. “Legion’s freedom: Madman became missionary. — Mark 5:15”
  6. “Jairus’ daughter: Death’s finality reversed. — Mark 5:41-42”
  7. “Five loaves: Boy’s lunch fed multitudes. — John 6:11-13”
  8. “Walking waves: Physics laws suspended for faith. — Matthew 14:25”
  9. “Syrophoenician faith: Crumbs healed from afar. — Mark 7:29”
  10. “Deaf hear: Ephphatha opened silent worlds. — Mark 7:34-35”
  11. “Blind see: Mud and obedience restored vision. — John 9:6-7”
  12. “Transfiguration: Eternal glory revealed on temporal mountain. — Matthew 17:2”
  13. “Coin in fish: Tax payment from aquatic ATM. — Matthew 17:27”
  14. “Lazarus’ revival: Four-day death defeated. — John 11:43-44”
  15. “Fig tree curse: Faith moves more than mountains. — Mark 11:20-21”
  16. “Malchus’ ear: Violence healed mid-arrest. — Luke 22:51”
  17. “Resurrection morning: Grave clothes left folded. — John 20:6-7”
  18. “Great catch: Empty nets overflowed post-resurrection. — John 21:6”
  19. “Ascension glory: Earthly exit marked heavenly enthronement. — Acts 1:9”
  20. “Widow’s son: Funeral procession interrupted. — Luke 7:14-15”
  21. “Centurion’s faith: Healing activated from miles away. — Matthew 8:13”
  22. “Bent woman: 18-year burden lifted instantly. — Luke 13:12-13”
  23. “Ten lepers: Healing tested gratitude. — Luke 17:14”
  24. “Nobleman’s son: Royal official’s faith rewarded. — John 4:50”
  25. “Peter’s mother: Fever fled at Messiah’s touch. — Mark 1:31”
  26. “Blind Bartimaeus: Persistent plea granted. — Mark 10:52”
  27. “Gadarene demoniac: Madness transformed to mission. — Mark 5:19”
  28. “Coin in fish’s mouth: Provision with piscine precision. — Matthew 17:27”
  29. “Cursing fig tree: Faith’s authority over nature. — Mark 11:20-21”
  30. “Temple healing: Infirmity healed in worship space. — John 5:8-9”

Apostolic Miracles (20 Quotes)

  1. “Pentecost tongues: Gospel spoke every dialect. — Acts 2:4-6”
  2. “Lame man leaps: Peter’s shadow carried healing. — Acts 3:6-8”
  3. “Ananias’ death: Divine integrity enforced. — Acts 5:5”
  4. “Philip’s transport: Supernatural commute for evangelism. — Acts 8:39-40”
  5. “Paul’s blindness: Persecutor became apostle. — Acts 9:17-18”
  6. “Dorcas revived: Sewing ministry resurrected. — Acts 9:40”
  7. “Cornelius’ vision: Gentile inclusion confirmed. — Acts 10:3-5”
  8. “Prison quake: Chains fell at midnight praise. — Acts 16:25-26”
  9. “Eutychus revived: Sermon literally life-giving. — Acts 20:9-10”
  10. “Snake bite: Venom neutralized by faith. — Acts 28:3-5”
  11. “Handkerchiefs heal: Paul’s shadow carried power. — Acts 19:11-12”
  12. “Elijah’s drought: Prayer closed and opened skies. — James 5:17-18”
  13. “Shipwreck survival: All 276 passengers saved. — Acts 27:44”
  14. “Elymas blinded: Spiritual warfare made visible. — Acts 13:11”
  15. “Lydia’s conversion: Commerce leader baptized. — Acts 16:14-15”
  16. “Sergius Paulus: Governor believed through power encounter. — Acts 13:12”
  17. “Ephesian exorcists: Seven sons learned spiritual authority. — Acts 19:13-16”
  18. “Malta miracles: Islanders witnessed supernatural care. — Acts 28:8-9”
  19. “Aeneas healed: Eight-year paralysis broken. — Acts 9:34”
  20. “Prophetic famine: Agabus warned through Spirit. — Acts 11:28”

Psalms & Wisdom Literature (15 Quotes)

  1. “Psalm 77:14 You’re the God who works wonders.”
  2. “Psalm 107:29 Storm stilled to whisper.”
  3. “Psalm 136:4 To Him who alone does great wonders.”
  4. “Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust beyond understanding.”
  5. “Job 42:10 Double restoration after trial.”
  6. “Ecclesiastes 3:11 Eternity set in human hearts.”
  7. “Psalm 105:5 Remember His marvelous works.”
  8. “Psalm 98:1 His right hand achieves holy victories.”
  9. “Job 5:9 Performs wonders beyond comprehension.”
  10. “Psalm 145:4 One generation commends Your works.”
  11. “Proverbs 16:3 Commit works to the Lord.”
  12. “Psalm 111:2 Great are the works of the Lord.”
  13. “Ecclesiastes 11:5 You don’t know the works of God.”
  14. “Psalm 40:5 Many are Your wonderful works.”
  15. “Job 9:10 Does great things beyond discovery.”

Prophetic Miracles (10 Quotes)

  1. “Isaiah 7:14 Virgin birth foretold.”
  2. “Ezekiel 37:10 Breath entered dry bones.”
  3. “Daniel 2:19 Night vision revealed mysteries.”
  4. “Joel 2:30-31 Wonders in heavens and earth.”
  5. “Jonah 2:10 Fish vomited prophet ashore.”
  6. “Zechariah 4:6 Not by might, but by Spirit.”
  7. “Malachi 4:2 Sun of righteousness rises.”
  8. “Isaiah 38:7-8 Sundial shadow reversed.”
  9. “Jeremiah 32:17 Nothing too hard for You.”
  10. “Amos 9:13-14 Rebuild ruined cities.”

New Testament Letters (5 Quotes)

  1. “Hebrews 2:4 God testifies with signs.”
  2. “1 Corinthians 12:10 Gifts of healing manifest.”

FAQ: Understanding Biblical Miracles

Q: What’s Jesus’ first miracle?
A: John 2:1-11 – Turning water into wine at Cana.

Q: Can miracles happen today?
A: Hebrews 13:8 – “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

Q: How to pray for miracles?
A: Mark 11:24 – Believe you’ve received when you pray.

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